The Modesty Struggle - H

I know this struggle well. We're close friends now. We go out for coffee every Tuesday morning. For real though, I know the modesty struggle. In the winter it's yoga pants and sweater-dresses; in the summer it's short-shorts and string bikinis. In this generation, young Christian women are finding it increasingly difficult to be modest and fashionable. Lucky for you, I have lived eighteen years in quite possibly the most conservative Christian household in the Western Hemisphere, so I know a thing or two about modesty. Before anything else, I need to say something. First of all, I take 100% responsibility for what I say in this post. (There's going to be some juicy stuff, so prepare yourself.) I do not mean to offend anyone at all, but when dealing with this type of topic, it's impossible to speak the truth and to not offend anyone at the same time. And before anything else, I believe God has placed it on my heart to speak the truth. Lastly, I know this can ...