Mission Trip to Florida Keys -S
My Missions Trip to the Florida Keys
March 2018
Hey everyone! Man I feel like it has been so long since I have written on here, but I am so glad that Hannah has continued posting amazing tips and encouragement I know I have much joy in reading them! My goal when I got back from this missions trip in March was to quickly brief you all on what had happened, what we did, where we went and so on. I know I am a little late on the game here but I thought it would be just as amazing now as ever to talk to you guys about my experience in the Florida Keys. For those of you have that taken long road trips I am sure you know how campy it can get and long and boring it might be. We were a group of 7 and left our little town in Maryland around 2pm in the afternoon with our goal to reach Marathon, Florida by late the next day. I have to be honest with you...I HAD SO MUCH FUN! We went through so many states along the East Coast and I was literally living the dream. I mean yeah, I was not driving but seeing us go through Virginia, the Carolinas, then Georgia, then the comforting sight of palm trees. That is where it just got more exciting though we went right through Florida and hit Miami, our 12 passenger van and all. We finally hit the 7 mile bridge that would take us into the Keys and ate at this amazing fish restaurant in Key Largo called "Craig's Seafood" I believe... It only took us what.. 18-19 hours to get there? Not too bad... The thing is many of the restaurants had been deserted due to the hurricane that had hit the keys. Hurricane Irma had taken a devastating toll on the little islands but God had called our group to come and help a specific mission church that had also felt a lot of the action. By God's grace we made it to First Baptist Church in Marathon, FL (pictured below-bottom left). The little inlet or canal in the picture you see on the bottom right is where the water came in and actually destroyed the wall that originally was blocking the view and that water had come into the church, destroying much of the drywall and paint on the walls. Other mission teams had come to also help with the work on the church, but we continued much of the painting and the guys took care of some of the trim and woodwork/handyman stuff.
I was shocked to see in many of the water way areas there was so much trash, even a refrigerator that had yet to be cleared out. We even talked with a guy who had all the materials needed to rebuild his house but all the contractors were so busy and booked he may not be able to start building it again for many months! My heart went out to these people and actually many of them were so nice! We even met a furry friend (pictured left) that was very excited and wanted so many cuddles. I loved him so much--we miss you Finn! Our group divided up a little and some went in a van but I decided to stretch my legs a little and that is exactly what we did--we walked what felt like the whole length of the key we were on. I had a bunch of flyers for the coffee house in my hand and one of the pastors we were with was like "Sarah--it is your turn to give one to someone." I was like..."oh no..." We just so happened to be in a Spanish speaking neighborhood and Pastor Mike knew much more Spanish than I did so I watched him to it a few times and I was yes...fearful. You see, you had to walk up to their porch area where they might be sitting and talk...in Spanish. So that is what I attempted. Literally it was God moving my feet; I started and Pastor Mike chimed in a little with some more details but I could actually understand some of the conversation going on! Sometimes you just need to step out, try it, and learn from that experience!
We had the coffee house Thursday night and although not as many turned out as we had originally had hoped it still gave us the opportunity to connect more with the pastor of the missions church there, our team, and those that had decided to come out. A traveling missionary family from Minnesota also was there, staying in their camper they had set up the coffee house and their kids had helped us set up the lights and music and everything. The Durocher family is a talented group of musicians let me tell you! From the fiddle to the bass, to the voice, to the guitar all of it added to the wonderful ways God had worked in our lives over the coarse of this trip. God has given me such a deep appreciation even more so for fellow believers and Christians and each of our gifts and abilities to add to different situations. You never know when and how God may use you, but sometimes you just need to be open to the possibility and walk through the door. By the end of our stay in Marathon we had grown so many deep relationships with each other and once again it happened. It grew an attachment and deep love for the area God had called me to serve in and a deep rooted love for the people God was using in the area to further His plan and Word.
We had the blessing on one day of our stay to travel all the way down to Key West and also drive through the area of the Keys that had felt the eye of the hurricane come through. Honestly, some of the areas more on the outside of the eye were the islands I thought had some of the worst damage. Many of the trailer parks had been completely demolished and destroyed, homes still had tarps over them, or over what was left, and boats were were still in the middle of roadways and on grass areas. Although it was easy to see that a lot of work had been done it was easy to tell the lives of many had been affected. It made me realize too that we hold on to our possessions here on earth so much, when in an instant all of those things can be taken away so quickly and then what would we be left with? My best friend Hannah recently told me a dream she had not so long ago, one that prompted her to think of the question or be asked, "Where do you find your hope?". Like her answer I immediately thought of and she responded with "Jesus". He is our Hope, our Rock, our Foundation. I do not say this in a bragadocious way at all. It can be quite humbling when you are out there on the road and all of a sudden overcome with fear and doubt how God can use you it happens to all of us. The difference happens when we truly look at the situation through the eyes of God and realize what can happen if we just take that next step and find out! It is more than just facing your fear it is actually walking through it with God not just staying on the sidelines.
I will forever remember the memories and amazing few days I got to spend down in the Keys serving along side some amazing people that have impacted my life with their stories and just compassion and love for those around them, even complete strangers! Thank you all for letting me share this testimony of my missions trip down to the keys, and I pray that if you have ever wanted ti go on a missions trip to pray about it and pursue the possibilities! Even in your own community! As one of my favorite Bible verses of all time says: "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9
God is with us, even when it may not be easy in this life He is just always there--He is our hope forever into eternity. Love you all and blessings! -S
P.S. also please pray for Hannah and I, the whole group going to the Dominican Republic on the missions trip in July. Pray that the peoples hearts there would be moved for the Gospel, kids would flood in, and we would be willing vessels to let God use us for whatever He has in store. Thank you!
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