Life Update! - H

Hey, y'all! Hannah here . . . and boy, do I have some stuff to tell you.
So, first of all I would like to personally apologize for the inactivity on the blog. Sarah and I both started college, and while we've been dealing with that entirely new season of our lives, we let some things go by the wayside.
Now, I'm not going to promise that I'll start posting consistently from now on, though I would like that if God gives me the motivation to do it. 😍 I just wanted to let you know we're both still alive and that we haven't forgotten you!
Before I sign off, I thought I might include some Food for Thought, just to keep things interesting. 😉 Without further ado, here are
3 Things God Has Taught Me Recently
(1) I don't know everything.
I'm sure if God spoke to me the way I speak to me, He would say something like Girl, quit acting like you the end-all be-all, you don't know squat. That's the truth though: I don't know hardly anything about this life or how to live it. I've just been really humbled recently, and honestly I'm grateful. There's always more to learn, sweetie; God knows I've been learning that lesson again and again as of late.
(2) There's a fine line between being honest with yourself and being outright pessimistic.
This one is a little tougher to explain without going into explicit detail as to the situations that have taught me this lesson, but I'll try to sum it up. Personally, I am both very honest and very realistic. And the truth is that life ain't always pretty, but you can either choose to be positive or negative about it. (Hint: both your social life and your internal mindset will benefit a lot more if you choose to be positive instead of negative.)
HOWEVER (there's always a "however," isn't there?) at times there is a temptation to fall into being completely blind toward the bad parts of reality. Sometimes I'll get so focused on staying positive that I forget to acknowledge that yeah, life's a b, and it really sucks sometimes, and (overused line but) it's okay to not be okay. Life's about finding the balance in everything, including your perspective.
(3) God always has a purpose in everything.
Again, this is probably one of those overused lines you hear around the Christian community a bunch, and it's true that in everything that happens, God has a purpose and a plan behind it. (Wow . . . just take a moment for that to sink in. 😊 Isn't that thought so comforting?) BUT if God has you in a place of waiting right now (*cough* me) then don't stand still! He has you there for a reason! Look around; where can you make a difference? Sometimes God blesses us with the knowledge that there is something He's saving for us in the future, but in the meantime, don't just sit around and twiddle your thumbs! Be active in pursuing what God wants for you at this place and time of your life!
All right, folks, that's all for today! I hope this encouraged you, or at least made you think. 😁 Until next time! ✌ Much love & God bless, H 💘 xoxo
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