Why I Love This Time of Year - H

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I hope you all are having a lovely week. Today is November 25th, which marks just ONE MONTH until Christmas!!! 🎄🎅 If I come off as a little bit excited, it's because I AM! 😁 I just love this time of year, and I thought I'd take a moment to explain to you just how special it is to me. 😊
If you were to ask me what my favorite holiday is (besides my birthday week 😉) hands down I would say Christmastime!! (Yes, I just spent way too long individually coloring each letter of the word "Christmastime" because GUESS WHAT: I love Christmas!) The weather, the clothes, the "Christmas spirit", the reason-for-the-season--all of it just puts me in the best possible mood. 💓
It's like nothing can bother me. Exams in school? Skrrt skrrt put on some Christmas tunes while I study! Gray and cloudy weather outside? BAM I'll just have myself a cozy day inside on the couch with my hot cocoa and blankies! Coming down with a cold? Just another excuse to relax and binge-watch my fav Christmas movies! Trust me on this, guys: literally nothing about this szn can get me down!
And not to mention what comes after Christmas: New Year's! Gosh, guys, the New Year just fills me with so much hope. I mean, true, I know you can make resolutions at any time of the year (and I'm totally in favor of that; it only takes one decision to change your life, girl, #getafterit 👏🙌).
But I just feel like the New Year is a great time to reevaluate your life. To look back over the past year and identify what worked for you and what didn't. To recognize areas of growth and change in your life. Overall just to count your blessings because at the end of the day, you're ALIVE, you're BREATHING, you have a FAM and FRIENDS, and you have your FAITH IN GOD!!! Say it with me now: God is good (all the time), and all the time (God is good). 😉 Say it until you believe it, sister.
But more than the general aesthetic, I also love the meaning behind it all. Both Christmas and the New Year just fill me with an overwhelming sense of gratitude. We're here. We've made it through another year. Look back at all the
As we go into the Christmas season and the end of 2018, I just pray a blessing over your life. I know this time of year is a real #struggle for some people, and if I'm honest, it is for me too. There are so many questions I still have unanswered, so many people God inexplicably removed from my life. There's a lot of pain, a lot of sorrow, a lot of heartbreak. As I recently told my close friend, I'm a bit of a sad noodle right now. 🙍 If you're in a similar place right now, please let me just offer a piece of encouragement: God is all-powerful. He put you in this position for a reason, and though it might not be clear to you yet, you need to understand something:
He is still good.Even if God doesn't grant your every wish, He is still good. Even if he takes away your best friend, He is still good. Even if you feel like you have fallen so far from where you wanted to be, God is still good. He still loves you.
He still cares about you.
He still sees you.
And He is still right there next to you, supporting you, loving you, protecting you. And you know what? Even if everything in your life seems to be going to h*ck and the future is so uncertain you feel like you could scream (aka me), that doesn't mean you can't get excited for Christmas! Take it from me: seize this opportunity to rejoice in the celebration of Jesus's birth!
Think of it: the all-powerful, almighty God of the universe voluntarily confined himself to the limits of the human body, literally born to die, so that we could be with him for all of eternity. Now, if that doesn't make you feel the least little bit of gratitude and happiness, read it again!! And if it still doesn't resonate with you, well, you and I will just have to sit down and watch A Christmas Carol together. And that's all I'm going to say about that! 😆
As for New Year's, I simply cannot wait to share my New Year's resolutions with you guys! This year was the first year I actually stuck to my New Year's resolutions instead of forgetting them by January 2. 😂 I haven't been faithful everyday, but let me just say it was a noticeable improvement from previous years. And that's what New Year's resolutions are all about, right? Self-improvement!
I have so many ideas for resolutions bouncing around in my brain right now. 😁 I think I might also choose a word of the year. Have you ever done that? I'm noticing more and more people picking a singular word to focus on and describe the year to come. Mine might involve going deeper, or farther, or something. 😂 I'm not sure yet, but I'll keep you updated!
Until next time, my wonderful friends!
Much love and God bless,
Hannah xoxo 💕
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