20 Christian Influencers You Should Follow - H
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I don't know about you guys, but I'm always down for some recommendations of people to follow. And in this day and age, when hate and negativity are such a presence on social media, Christian influencers are more essential than ever. If you don't follow any Christian influencers, let this be an introduction to you; and if you do follow Christian influencers, I bet you'll see some new names on this list!
20 Christian Influencers You Should Follow
(1) Jess and Gabriel Conte
- Jess and Gabe are a young Christian couple who create vlogs about their everyday Christ-centered lives. Their love story is an awesome testimony to God's greatness, and they're both amazing examples of how to show God's love in everyday life. They both have IG too if you're interested to check them out: @gabrielconte and @jess.
(2) Kristin Johns
- Kristin is actually one-half of another Christian couple, Kristin and Marcus. However, Kristin is much more active on her channel than Marcus is on his or their couple channel. She creates all sorts of lifestyle videos centering around her interests: plants, interior design, baking, and beauty. She has an Instagram too: @kristinjohns if you'd like to check it out!
(3) Cody and Lexy
- Cody and Lexy are yet another Christian couple. They, like Jess and Gabe, create vlogs on their couple channel just centered on their everyday lives. They're a little older than Jess and Gabe and Kristin and have been married longer, but they still never shy away from sharing God's truth with the viewers, which I personally appreciate very much! Lexy's Instagram is a big inspiration to me too: @alexysgabrielle.
(4) Sazan Hedrix
- I only discovered Sazan recently when I saw Kristin's video "Hawaii Room Service Mukbang," but girl, lemme tell u Sazan is such an amazing soul. She has her own channel where she posts all sorts of videos, from Q&As to makeup tutorials to cooking videos--and all of it is saturated with her love for God. She's just one of those magnetic personalities, and you can really tell she just loves God with all her heart. Her and her husband Stevie also have a podcast, "The Good Life." IG: @sazan
(5) Paul and Morgan
- Paul and Morgan are a young couple who have dedicated their channel to making videos discussing various aspects of Christian relationships, from dating and marriage, to commitment and temptation--and sometimes they even touch on some pretty controversial stuff! Ngl, they definitely open my eyes to new perspectives, and they really make me think about my standards. Give their videos a watch!
(6) LoeppkysLife
- LoeppkysLife is a vlog channel run by Delilah Loeppky, a young mom to two kiddos. Delilah is so gentle and strong; she's a great mama and a great example of both a Christian wife and a Christian mother, and I admire her so much. No matter how stressful a situation may get, she always finds away to bring it back to God. Plus her aesthetic is adorable! She shares some great truth on her Instagram too, so go check it out! @loeppkyslife
(7) Jess Conte
- First on the list was Jess and Gabe's joint channel, but I just feel like Jess's channel has such different content. It's still all Christ-centered, but it has a totally different aesthetic, so if their vlog channel isn't really your style, I'd def recommend Jess's solo channel. She's done song covers, cleaning motivation, different challenges (waking up at 5am for a week; no phone for 24 hrs.; etc.), and much more! Also she's such a sweetheart, and even when she's really struggling, she always trusts in God's faithfulness, which is such a testimony to us all.
(8) SweetEmelyne
- SweetEmelyne is a channel run by a girl named Emelyne; she posts videos centering on vintage things mostly (which is how I found her because I love vintage 1950s stuff 😆). To be honest, Em doesn't talk so much about her faith, but I do know it's a big part of her life, and she's said she wants to be more open with it. Overall I just love watching content from someone whose values are on the same page as me, even if it's not always the focus of the video.
(9) Our Little Nest
- Our Little Nest is Emelyne's second channel, and it's actually meant to be a family channel for her and her husband, Conner, as they work on fixing up their home and tackle other married life-related projects. Again, while Emelyne isn't strictly in-your-face about her faith, you can definitely see how it influences her actions and her lifestyle. Plus her interior design skills are legit; if you like to watch house renos, definitely check out this channel!
(10) Katie Emmerson (nee Gregoire)
- Unfortunately, Katie is at the bottom of the list because she's not as active as she once was. But if you're ever in the mood for binge-watching a new YouTuber, or for hearing some major truth, there are plenty of awesome videos on her channel up for grabs. She was raised in the Christian community, and she has some amazing insight into the shortcomings of Christian culture. She is such an inspiration to me!
(1) Sadie Robertson > @legitsadierob
- Sadie Robertson's first claim to fame was through the TV show Duck Dynasty, which focused on her family. Now she's gone on to public speaking, and she's authored several inspirational books. Her Instagram posts and stories are similarly inspiring; if you don't follow her yet, go!
(2) @hertrueworth
- Hertrueworth is a community of women writing truth for women. In a society where we have so much information coming at us about how to act and who we are, hertrueworth is a much-needed breath of fresh air. A team of writers and designers post little faith-based reminders to this account, and whenever I see one of their posts pop up in my feed, it's always a welcome relief.
(3) @trustgodbro
- Though not strictly geared toward women, trustgodbro is a similar account that posts awesome truth-based reminders and provides encouragement to the world-weary Christian. It's always awesome to see their posts sprinkled throughout my feed; I really appreciate the work they do and the truth they speak.
(4) @godlydating101
- Amidst all the hormone-fueled, teen-geared relationship accounts present on Instagram, there's godlydating101: run by a Christian couple for the purpose to pouring truth into all those young Christians out there just tryna have a real, solid, faith-based romantic relationship. They post everything from Bible verses to memes to bullet points spelling out God's intention for romantic love. Seeing their posts reminds me that I'm not the only one in favor of my standards; there's a whole community out there seeking the same thing. And they run a blog, too!
(5) @seekhimdaily
- Seekhimdaily is the master of the Christian mic-drop. Their entire account is dedicated to posting simple, straightforward truth in black and white. In a world where the Bible has been overanalyzed to point of frustration, seekhimdaily is a return to the honest, uncomplicated style of Paul's writings in the New Testament.
(6) Morgan Harper Nichols > @morganharpernichols
- Honey, if you're not following Morgan Harper Nichols yet, you go do that right now. I'll wait. Seriously though, this woman is a godsend. I've never seen anything like what she does with her account; she combines art, prayer, and bible-based encouragement for her followers in the form of original content straight from her hands. Her posts are one of those where, when it pops up in your feed and you read it, your breath is just taken away for a few seconds because it's like, how did she know?!
(7) @proverbsdaily
- Proverbsdaily is another one of those accounts that just fills your feed with the real-real, the true-true, and honestly I can't get enough of it, which is why I follow so many of these accounts. 😂 Honestly, though, when I scroll through Instagram, I don't want to be filling my mind with jealousy, hate, and negativity. Accounts like proverbsdaily help combat the tendency to turn social media into a wormhole of bad vibes.
(8) Allyson Rowe Schaffer > @allysonroweschaffer
- Like Sadie, Allyson is another woman who came by fame one way, and turned it into an opportunity to spread God's love. Instagram is just the beginning for Ally; she speaks at events, she is involved in a newsletter, she has a podcast, she's on YouTube. Me and Sarah actually first discovered her through one of her YouTube videos, and WOW! This lady is not afraid to speak the truth, lemme tell u!
Note: As I'm writing this, I'm listening to this video again and it is hitting me hard all over again!! Wowowow this is a woman of God, y'all! Go check her out!
(9) Nate Wilkerson > @christ_islife
- If you're ever in the mood to read a caption chock-full of inspiration, Nate is your guy! Sarah first introduced me to his account, and let me just say this man never fails to deliver the truth of God! Not only that, but he is also a great example of how to be a light in our communities; it seems like he's always posting an update or prayer request for someone he was able to reach for Christ through his job as a pizza delivery guy! It's truly amazing! He delivers pizza and truth all at once! 😂
(10) Brittney Moses > @christianmentalhealth
- More than ever before, our generation is dealing with the importance of mental health, and how to deal with it responsibly. It's honestly refreshing to see a Christian perspective on these issues present on social media. Ngl, there can be some controversial topics on this account, but the discussion is always really good and thoughtful, and the account owner is always willing to explain her perspective, which I really appreciate.
And there you have it! 20 Christian influencers you should follow. Of course the unnamed 11th Instagramer to follow is @peculiartreasuresblog, the Instagram account that corresponds to this blog! I always try to be regular with my uploads; in the summer I can upload more frequently, but now with school starting up, it might only be once a week. Still, I'm always active if you wanna DM!
Much love and God bless,
H ✨💘
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