Do We Need Husbands?

Do we need husbands/boyfriends/romantic partners? If so, why do we need them? What purpose do they serve?

God has been laying these questions on my heart recently. Maybe it's the same for you too. If you want to find out the answers to these questions, keep reading . . .

First of all, you don't need a husband. In 1 Corinthians 7, Paul even goes as far as to describe singleness as a "gift," and I agree with him wholeheartedly. I might even go on to write a separate blog post about the beauty of singleness--Lord knows we need some more support out there on that ever-present subject. But no, you don't need a husband/boyfriend/romantic partner.

Now, before all you strong women out there get all excited and start rioting in the streets, hear me out. I'm not saying "why do we need men?" Every person has a purpose (even menπŸ˜‰). Before anything else: I'm not being sexist. I swear I'm asking these questions purely from a logical standpoint, because I really, truly want to know the answer.

I think one reason behind my asking this question is the fact that personally, I am very logically inclined, and I'm also super hyper-independent. (Except on God. I'm really dependent on God, but with everyone else, I'm independent.)

Some people say things like, "We need husbands because humans are companion creatures, and since humans need companionship, that's why we have partners, such as husbands and wives." I'm not saying that's not true--I just want to highlight the (false) point of view that you need a husband as much as you need God. WRONG. I would rather have just God and nothing else, instead of everything else except God. And that's good; that's how it should be. But now comes the question that, if God is all I need, then why do I need a husband? What purpose does he serve? And what purpose should I serve for him?

I guess it comes down to the mentality that there is ONE person out there that God created for you. That mentality can get skewed, especially when you enter the dating scene. Suddenly you're meeting lots of people and seeing if you're compatible with them (and obviously the secular world promotes that you could be compatible with more than one person). However, as a Christian, you need to support the mentality that there is only one person.

Disclaimer: I know many people who were married for a long time, and then they lost their spouses and remarried, and they're just as happy. God has a plan for everyone, but what I'm saying right now is that in one singular moment in time, there is never more than one person that God has destined for you to be with. One at a time. πŸ˜‚

So you have to go into this having that mentality: that there is one person out there for you, just one that God made specifically for you to complement you (and take note: that's complement with an "e" not compliment with an "i", okay? I mean, obviously, if he complements you then he will compliment you, but that's besides the point).

Google defines the word "complement" as a noun that means "a thing that completes or brings to perfection." The verb definition is "add to (something) in a way that enhances or improves it; make perfect." Obviously, nobody is perfect, and you're never going to be perfect, and that's okay. But the point I'm trying to make here is that the One that God has created for you will complement you; he will enhance you and help you to improve yourself.

But don't get me wrong: when I say "complement," I in no way want to imply that you are a half. You are not a half. You are a whole. Just get that through your head. I feel like in modern pop culture a lot of people say, "Oh, he's my other half!" "He completes me!" No. Okay? You are complete in Jesus. You are whole in Jesus. He makes you whole. You are a whole.

Now, God made a man for you. One man who He made to be your life partner, to walk alongside you in the walk of faith, to support you, to provide you with understanding conversation, to challenge you, to help you grow--that, I believe, is the purpose of a husband. It's this person to, essentially, have on your team.

In conclusion, I say this: you don't need a man. You don't need a husband. You don't need a boyfriend, a lover, another half--fill in the blank. But God, in His all-knowing and infinite grace and compassion, created a person for you because God knew that having such a person in your life would eventually improve you, enhance you, complement you, and bring you closer to God. 😊

I hope you enjoyed this blog post! I leave you with much love, as always, and God bless!
H xoxo πŸ’–


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